Sunday, July 6, 2014

Blankets; And Stupid Internet.

Hey jammers! I'm sorry if I haven't posted recently on Sundays. Turns out, our internet providers can't load AJ very well, (I'm "somewhere" other than home -I don't give out my location-) so I can only go on AJ once in a while. Anyways, the new item we have today is a blanket - a quilted blanket. Sold in the Hot Cocoa Hut, it looks like the blanket they already sell there. Huh. Maybe the other one was removed? :shrugs: Anyways, I'll be on the Animal Jam Wiki chat for a while, so if you'd like to join me, "It's an open door." Yes. Puns-ahoy! Anyways, I better go.     P.S., I'm not doing a Summer Sunday, due to AJ not correctly loading.  ~angeltiger152


  1. Phew! At least someone is posting here. I'm glad!

    Same. My Internet won't load AJ that we'll either. I moved somewhere temporarily...

    1. At least I have SOMEONE who is sharing the same problem as me. I broke out the feels today, though. I think I literally started crying because I couldn't load AJ for a week. Yeah.


  2. The Old Blanket is still there, maybe AJHQ put in the 'Quilted Blanket' so it would be more unique t non-members than the Old Blanket. Is the next thing a Quilted Hood? o.o

    I hope your internet gets fixed where you are! AJ is pretty hard not to play with in a week.


    1. @ILCC Pikachu rocks!

      Sadly, the the internet providers refuse to let use stream videos, and we have to wait until InvisiMax sets up their tower. (Internet tower.) I haven't been able to load AJ for about a month.

      ~angeltiger152 (sometimes I use a different computer.)


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