Saturday, February 1, 2014

Heart Earmuffs

Hai Jammers! Well, I have a HUGE problem, nevermind that "huge problem",the problem is minor.... Well the problem is that I can't find today's item while the other blogs can. I believe the Earmuff is available in the Jamaa Clothing Mart but check this out >.<

A true horror story for AJ bloggers aka me O.O
But today's new item is a Heart Earmuff. I am totally happy with yesterday's item though :D *gives AJHQ cakes for making it non-member*
Credit to Cloudclaws
Well,that is all for today tough I worked on a AJ Music Video (it was 2011 song i believe :P) Also the video clip isn't available on Mobile i think... But here it is!

That is all for today!


  1. When you said "Gives AJHQ cake for making it nm!", were you being sarcastic?

    1. @General
      I am not quite sarcastic though I am mad and sometimes evil :D*makes the hand expression Mr.Burns(for the simpsons)*

  2. I had trouble with finding zee new items moo, Windy! Sometimes blogs don't mention where to find them, but it's fine wif me :3. Ooooh! I remember the heart locket. It matches lots a designs, example: cute, cool, friendly, adventurous, fancy, and epic. I don't think it would really fit in 4 cruel, because it's a heart! The personality kinda depends on the color. Maybe hatred is a black heart locket.
    I remember the hearty-earmuffs. They remind of muffins 4 somez reasonz! And the jamaaliday earmuffs. Maybe becuz of da "muffy" part ^.^.

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I <3 IT. And the little type-ity-type sound. You did AWESOME, GURL! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo, BEST CLOUD MUSIC VIDEO EVA! (Unless oyu make more, I might change my mind) XD. I wouldn't force chu pikachu 2 make more, but I like oyur style of it ^-^. Other music videos keep turning and coloring their music videos through their whole mv. Yours is just right. Puuuuuuuuurfecto. =)

    I'm going back to ilcc XD

    1. @Iwuvzcutechihuahuas
      Me too! I really love the designs of the heart locket. My friend would love the hatred one because she is super scary and because it is a black heart locket O.O
      Thank you for liking my music video and I am thinking of making more :P Tank you,Tank you,tank chu!
      Ok,I lovecutechihuahuas. I really like how you make names they are so AWESOME :D

    2. LOL! Not all girls go for the cute colors. Some girls go for scary, cool ones :3. I'm in the half-zone, not too girly not too scary ^.^.
      I love watching and listening to ajmv's. The music matters most, and the details and colors are a creative thought, that makes it EPIC. :D *Pulls out flower petals and throws them* your welcome, your welcome, yourz welcomez!
      AWWWWWWWWWWZ! Tank chu Windy! That means a LOT to the incredibly cute chihuahua. *Whispers* Which is me x3. I like your name, Windy :). It's very special and neat! I love the snow tagged in with it.

    3. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 2 spelling mistakes in my comment above yours, Windy. >.< I'm to lazy to re-check for misspells. I'll do dat every single time I comment from now on. O.O I don't want to be known as the bad-grammer-chihuahua. No way.

  3. OMG! WINDY! YOUR CLOSE TO REACHING 4000 VIEWS YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! LOL! Randomness. XD Never forget it, always remember it. O3O

    1. @Iluvzcutechihuahuas
      Now it is 4000 views :D

    2. I noticed. XDD
      CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Gives you cotton candy* Eat it. YOU DESERVE IT ^.^! Oh, it doesn't effect your teeth btw. It's cavity free lol!
      Wanna have a Chihuahua and Wind Friend day? Where we spend our day with each other talking, playing games, trading, telling jokes, posting cute animal pictures on AJC Chat, making up scary stories? It's okay if chu dun wanz 2. If you do, can we try out Friday? =D

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

      This goes to Windy~
      Chu r welcome! ^_^ *Happily gives more cotton candy*. Loner of the month? Cheer up! You has a lot a friends dat support u! Meeeeeeeeep! =)
      Yay! I won't worry. It won't be a problem if you don't come on Friday. I don't have school tomorrow, do you? Me and my brother checked the listing of schools closed tomorrow :P. Hope u reply soonz!

  4. @Iluvzcutechihuahuas
    Thanks!*Eats cotton candy* Thank you for friends :3 LOL I deleted the comment up there because it seems to have a lot of drama of Windysnow XD
    Well,my school isn't close on Monday... Why? I need to suffer school agan I repeat I put too much drama in comments sometime. I come!

    1. Ya welcome!
      Hehe, everyone gets dramatic in their comments once in a while x3. Awwwwww! If chu suffer da pain, Ill suffer it wiz u :c *hugs*. At least school makes us smart, and gets us friends o3o! I wish it was closed.

      Your FiercexEpic Chihuahua,

      I'm on my moms nook tablet, it's night here where I am, and my dad is using ze computa :P

    2. Btw whenva chu see at de end of mai comment, "Za FiercexEpic Chihuahua, Iwuvzcutechihuahuaz, that means I'm commenting on my moms nook tablet :).
      Saying the "your" part sounds strange O.O. Especially if I'm talking 2 a different person x3.

      Za FiercexEpic Chihuahua,


Be Nice Jammers! No swearing or bullying! If someone ever says mean stuff to you or if you swore the comment will be removed in 24 hours... Comment any suggestion for the page is okay! Have fun ^.^