Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pink Crystals

Hai Jammers Please be aware this a short post... It is currently late so here is today's new item.... The Pink Crystals! Perfect for Fantasy dens
That is all for today! Bai Jammers!


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats, Pink ^-^. *Gives you a pet chihuahua* her name is popcorn. You can rename her if you want c:

      I remember Pink Crystals from last year. :D Their color is prettier then the other normal-colored crystals. Chu can tell by da background that it's not sold in the Friendship Par-tay. x3

      It's fine if you made a short post! A lot of other peeps do that when they're low on time. It's like TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK, TIME IS RUNNING OUT! YOU GOT 10 SECONDS TO FINISH THE POST BEFORE YOU GO SOMEWHERE OR DO SOMETHIN. Animal jam bloggers- YAAAAAAAY! I POSTED A POST JUST IN TIME! Yippee! :) A short post is better then no post at all!

    2. I forgot to add (I am so stupid >.<. *Hits self with a huge rock*) that the Pink Crystal used to be sold in the Friendship Party ;-;. Also, 3rd commento! And for my other comment up there, SECOND REPLY! I shall not make this comment short :P, which it probably already is short.

    3. Congrats both of you ! *gives gold AJC metals* You both are a tie in teh comments!

    4. Tanks, Windy!!!!
      My mom bought me a combination of gummi bears and gummi worms in a pack. So tempting!!!!!! Lawl! Roar =3

      It's 9 PM here. *Yawn* I'm sleepy. I just went back to check ova here if somebody commented. Friday's coming close! WHOOP WHOOP! Opa Friendship Style! >:D YEEEEEEEHAW!


Be Nice Jammers! No swearing or bullying! If someone ever says mean stuff to you or if you swore the comment will be removed in 24 hours... Comment any suggestion for the page is okay! Have fun ^.^