Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sunken Heron

Hai Jammers!! I is bringing exciting news which made me scream in my room (that was really weird if your brother is just beside you XD) Well, The Sunken ship den is now available to all jammers!!! Also eventually now you can buy as much as dens you want non-members! There must be an explanation to all of this..

What a suprise AJHQ always brings us! I believe AJ will never turn something like CP ^.^
Well there are exactly 11 item which are non-member!

The Welcome to Jamaa is also a great ride! Well, I love low the blue heron looks like. It is just so majestic! We get to learn the history of Jamaa and the store on the blue heron is all non member!

Wait, VALENTINE??? I thought AJ would say it friendship but I feel love in the air :P
I will get one for myself. MWHAHAHAHA!!!  so there is a new CODE?? I must find it or if you found it before me could you comment it down XD

We are also pretty sure it is an eagle! I wish I could have a sneek peek of how they'd fly and touch the sky and maybe see how the over world looks like. Also the Safety Internet Month/Day is here! I think I should make one of those but before I start with my craziness I should probally learn "How to be a pro in blogger" well if it doesn't exist maybe I will create one... One day.....

Here, is AJ again being very kind to us on Update Thursdays a non-member item and a member item well the den item is a Rose Garland

And the clothing item is a Heart Balloon!

Last but not done yet, the rare icon seems small...

So here come this month's story. Well, as it is Friendship month you could write a story about:
  •  How you got a Best Friend in Jamaa 
  • Make up fictional character in Jamaa and turn it into a friendship story 
Or if you found those boring check these two out!
  • The Blue Heron ( about the blue heron)
  • How the ship got wrecked in Jamaa

That is all for today! I hope you spend a great time with the new things.


  1. First comment!
    Congrats on making a long post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    1. Chu............. my friend, get a long comment back :)
      Ohz me chihuahua!
      Animal Jam Headquarters is so nice!!!!!!! <3
      Thank red pandas that it's not going to turn into Club Penguin. Animal Jam Rocks!!!!! Woo hoo! We support y'all workers! I LOVE screaming my heart out in front of my brothers ear, really loud. It irritates him.... >:)
      Anyways, the Sunken Ship is a pretty awesome den! I doubted it would ever be non-member. But it is now. It seems non-members in AJ earned 40% percent fairness today. WE ROCKING IT!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!! =D
      I'm not up for buying the ocean den, because I like land dens more better. There are more things to decorate your den with. ^w^
      I checked the "Welcome to Jamaa" thing, but it's kinda a review about joining AJ. Meep, I really thought Liza was gonna be our real guide -.-. I thought their was gonna be alligators, sharks, dolphins, turtles, octopuses, seals, and penguins along to way and we were going to do special activities and games. I got pretty disappointed :c, so I just clicked the typical "skip" button to end my excitedness, which never took part, nor would be able too. ;-; I won't skip it tomorrow. I'll be getting fully on tomorrow, yayzers ^-^!!!!! And I'll get a good view on it. Oh well, at least it reminds me of old times. The Welcome thing. I like the name of ze ship though! Blue Heron... mmm mmm, mmm!
      I wuv the music. I wonder if AJHQ will make it a buy-able song for our dens. :3 I hope soooooo!!!!!! Maybe it'll be called, Blue Heron? Lolz!

      I sense love in the air too. Me and my friend figured out every girl in our classroom's crushes. All of them like this one guy in our class, who is pretty much a cry-baby to me. A LOT OF TIMES HE CRIES WHEN HE GETS A MATH PROBLEM WRONG, I WANNA CLAW HIS FACE TILL HE STOPS CRYING!!!!!!!!! D:<
      Okay, sorry. I had to spill the popcorn.
      Unfortunately, I can't print the pictures. I can, but we're running low on ink. I wanna save it, I would hate to make my mom buy more ink for our computer because a me. Ink is expensive. That's what my parents say. Is it true? o.o I'm not sure myself.
      I hope someone shares the new code soon! It would be really nice oz zem to. o3o
      We so curious about the actions! Excited about it coming out, also hoping it's non-member for once and 4 ALL! I can't wait to design my eagle! But, I wish, I really do, that it's not going to be a gift card. Like, PUH-LEASE! We'll just have to wait and see....
      Aww, come on Windy! Your a pro already. You just... amazing gurl. You made a purrrrrrfect blog! Many people of the world adore it. =3
      Well, you can improve your blog if chu want, after all, I'm not trying to be bossy.... XD.
      OR AM I!? O.o
      Be creative. Use ur imagination. Cause one day, it'll be helpful. c= I don't know how.
      When chu change the flower color to dark blue, it looks like REAL blueberries! Kinda! My bunny Sparkle loves blueberries! Eeeeeeek! Tank u AJHQ 4 making it!!!! Your getting pretty good at making a lot a choose-able colors. Good work! High paw! YESSSSSSSS XD

      Oooh! I love balloons. Haha, there are like, MILLIONS of balloons in Jamaa! Jk! There's also a kite. Will they make a heart-shaped kite? The kite came form the Summer Carnival..... hmm........
      Chu never know. Chu can't stop being suspicious.
      Detective Chihuahua!/Agent Chihuahua!

    2. :C Sorry for no paragraphs. BARELY any.
      It said my HTLM/comment was too long. I couldn't fit in the other part :'(

    3. Here's the other half:

      Mini cupcake!!!!!!! Bubble Kitty (my pet cat in AJ) <3s those! They're Super Delicious!
      She loves the mini cupcakes because they're small enough for her to eat :D
      But, she doesn't mind eating a GIGANTIC one!

      Here are the steps to eating a cupcake little Bubble Kitty made:
      1. Bite off the "rare" sign, and put it into the recycling bin.
      2. Get some chocolate-vanilla syrup, and put some on ze cupcake.
      3. Grab some rainbow-colored gleaming sprinkles and put them on the cupcake.
      4. Put that little paper covering on the bottom of it.
      5. Go to Captain Mevy's Hut in Crystal Sands to get a strawberry smoothie.
      7. Bring it back, and get the tiny pet chairs to sit on.
      8. Grab the cupcake and stuff ur face in!
      9. Eat it all while playing the "Nom nom" song.
      10. Enjoy!!!!!
      Peace outz! <3 Bubble Kitty

      She typed that :3 GIVE HER A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!!!
      Now, brb while a type a poem about my day at school today :c

  2. Replies
    1. Congratulations!
      Tank u! I knew it had to relate something to February.... :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I broke my heart again re-reading this and.. I just deleted it -cries-


Be Nice Jammers! No swearing or bullying! If someone ever says mean stuff to you or if you swore the comment will be removed in 24 hours... Comment any suggestion for the page is okay! Have fun ^.^