Monday, February 24, 2014

Rare Steampunk Monocle

Hai! The author tryout is still on so if you want the info view it all here or to answer the form click here!

Well,today's rare item is a Rare Steampunk Monocle. Hehe, I love those items especially if they are named steampunk. This makes us look so modern robot gangster lookin but again being a gangster is bad so I am off with the topic..... But again remember this is only available today.
Wow, so modern!
I wonder how this eagles only adventure would be.... It really caught my attention while I was at the Adventure Party. Do you guys ever think this "Adventure Base Camp Party" ever end?????

I almost forgot! Well, I congratulate whoever viewed my blog for getting 5000 views.* gives everyone Cloud trophies and claps* My goal is to get 10000 viewers sooner or later and to have 20 followers.
 That's all for today! Happy Cloudin! ( I was actually gonna say happy hunger games)


  1. First! Guys, I will be sending the giveaway prizes soon so stay tuned!

    1. I changed my comment name!

      Congrats on first General!
      -Gives you a lightning bolt amulet-
      Pika ^w^ chuuuuu!

      -Pikachu puts on orange mech angel wings and tries gliding over the ocean but fails and splashes in to water-

      Gotta go save Pikachu!
      HE WON'T DROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. @General
      Sorry *face plams myself* I forgot it >.< I'll post for chu.,,
      Is it ok if I call you that XD. *helps* I like your name

  2. Unless that was a joke (:P) the Adventures aren't supposed to be a party. You could just access it on your party list.

  3. I have to go play my piano pieces,
    pikachu will be watching me :D
    He's gonna clap so loud, you'll think there was a thunderstorm
    outside! -hugs pikachu-
    Pachirisu will join him soon!

    Has anyone entered yet for thee author tryouts?
    Pink set up author tryouts, too!
    Pink200330! I'm planning on making my comments short, because people will be staring at me, bored as you can imagine. T______T

    The rare monocle looked FREAKY on my kangaroo!
    Scared me like I waz a leaf!
    Floating in the wind, never knowing when a giraffe might bite you.....
    My friend loves giraffes! She's in Arizona, when she comes back she'll be in middle school, 7th grade!
    I'll miss her, though.

    I would HATE for it to end!
    That would be the end of chihuahuas,
    we wood me doomed! Doomed, I tell you!

    A TROPHY!?
    You are a 100% nice person.
    :) Therefore, I give you a pikachu trophy in return.
    I hope cha reach your goal, girl!
    You better reach for the moon and stars! Ta get your goal

    I should find a motto.
    One that fits my attitude.

    Updates on the blue heron:
    Okay I give up.
    Sorry, I know I never give up. >.<
    I can't find useful words, even though I read warrior cat books! I LIKE WRITING RIDDLES AND POEMS =C
    It's way easier for me.... writing a story makes it way too impossible. I'll only do better when I get older, when I know more words, and their definitions.
    I'll write my poem about it right away!
    And I'll do a riddle, too!

    1. @Pikachu
      It is ok for having long comments. Also sorry I haven't comment much as I promised XD
      Oh.... Freaky Kangaroo..... Lunatic Eyes :P I like giraffes they are tall and spotty (that is the best way i describe things) :3 The END!!! DUN DUN DUN XD well maybe it wouldn't happen...
      Thanks chu for saying I am nice :D. I don't get that a lot :P I guess because my friends find me crazy and others... after watching many movies which if i do I cannot stop blabbing about it espically the hunger games XD Thank chu for the trophy too.. HMM.. maybe there could be "The Cloud Awards" maybe i could be the host.

      Yeah you should. Mines would be always after a movie XD "May the odds be ever in favor"
      It is ok... Hehe, same for me I always have baby english I think but my friends cant't beat me (english isn't my first language but i can't speak my first language it is so hard that sometimes i can't even read it). KK

  4. The Animal Jam Blurb posted about that in a video, the eagle -> things. It's an island


Be Nice Jammers! No swearing or bullying! If someone ever says mean stuff to you or if you swore the comment will be removed in 24 hours... Comment any suggestion for the page is okay! Have fun ^.^