Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bass Camp

Hi Jammers, the Daily Explorer posted about the Summer Carnival Sale! Click Here! to go to the Daily Explorer.
Picture by the Daily Explorer

I love the idea of putting the plushies in your Ferris Wheel and The Roller Coaster... ^.^

 Also you might have seen the poll so get voting XD
My brother may have voted them O.O

And also here is the Reactions you can choose now!

Further More..... There is a new movie clip 
Sounds Interesting
Finally I found the new item it took me 1 hour to find it  -_-
So the New item is available in The Diamond Shop.... The item is Bass Camp.

Also this is some madness of jammers wanting diamonds too much that they are wearing all white while dancing. O.O

I even saw like these since the day the Diamond Shop came. 

Short Note:Have anyone heard about the Nerd Glasses?
                 It might be on rare item monday!!!
Play Wild!
sorry for such a long post 


  1. Sweet ^.^! First comment!

    Summer Carnival Sale~ Awesome =D I luv Cotton Candy XD

    Voting~ Your brother XD? I voted just now =3

    Reactions~ YAY!!!!!!!!! Now I can vote Epic or Interesting ^.^

    Movie Clip~ Awesome! I'll be sure to watch it later in de day :)

    Bass camp~ I thought Base Camp O.o I wish I could buy it :'( I have 0 diamonds, and school is MONDAY DX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    White animals~ I wonder who started the rumor .-. FACT!: Chu won't get diamonds. What you'll get is a waste of time though :)

    Glasses~ I noticed ^.^ I won't be able to get them.... Monday ish school :c I'll be missing every single Monday every week :'c


    1. Thanks Nyan! The rumor is a madness they are wasting to much time XD and school items look epic XD Base Camp and Bass Camp sounds alike that I had to read my whole post before just to change bass camp XD and 1st reply XD done my the blog creator XD LOL...


Be Nice Jammers! No swearing or bullying! If someone ever says mean stuff to you or if you swore the comment will be removed in 24 hours... Comment any suggestion for the page is okay! Have fun ^.^