Sunday, March 9, 2014

New author!

Hey everybody! Rainbowcat1 here, reporting for duty! :P I am one of the new authors for this awesome blog! I will be posting on Mondays, so keep an eye out for my post! :) I suppose I should tell you more about me, huh? My interests: Reading, Animal Jam (Username: Rainbowcat1), Chicken Smoothie (Username: TsunamiOfTheSeaWings), Dancing, Listening to music, Sports, Stuffed animals, My Little Pony (Don't judge me), Spirit (2002 movie), and a BUNCH more!  I LOVE to trade on Animal Jam and Chicken smoothie, so feel free to trade me or ask what for a pet or item! :D I am so glad I was invited to participate in posting on this blog! I had a blog before, (The Animal Jam Arrow Blog) but it was shut down one day, without any reason. I was, and am, VERY excited to be a part of this blog. It means a lot to me! Thanks Windysnow! I hope to meet you on Animal Jam or Chicken Smoothie one day! Happy Jamming!


  1. Rain, who is your favorite music artist/band? I wanna know so badly XDDDD .Your welcome Rainbow :D Me too hope to see you in Jamaa :) BTW I loved how you began your post ^.^

  2. HI rainbow =) I was looking for you on this blog.. I love My Little Pony, too (the only people who don't like it are people who have never watched it) :)
    I would love to trade with you! I have a ton of stuff I don't want!

    See ya around the blogosphere, Gamer_girl9799


Be Nice Jammers! No swearing or bullying! If someone ever says mean stuff to you or if you swore the comment will be removed in 24 hours... Comment any suggestion for the page is okay! Have fun ^.^