Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pirate Chest

Hi everyone,it has been a long time since I've posted. The authors are doing such a wonderful job also ^.^ 
I appreciate everyone reading AJC for this :D 

But lemme continue with today's returning item, *drum roll* The Pirate Chest (not for gold loving leprechauns) where your gems can be stored or yer treasure. But ya'll gotta beware of Captain Hook >:O Just kidding if Captain Hook even came and stole it I would thank him because I cannot even manage to open mines in my den. I am in need of the lost key........
I wish the key would be found <.<
Here is a video from AJHQ which tells us about eagles and protection aka The Eagle Release. Moonshine the barn owl  just look like is is from Gauridans of Gahoole :3

In honor of eagles arriving in Jamaa, AJHQ worked with Great Basin Wildlife Rescue to help fix-up a broken wing of a golden eagle and release it back into the wild. These efforts are funded by your memberships. Thank you for helping to make this possible.
Great Basin Wildlife Rescue is a conservation and rehabilitation (ree-a-bill-a-tay-shun, it means that you’re restoring something to its original state) center that works with birds of prey and black bear cubs. Wildlife is injured or orphaned every day, and Animal Jam is proud to be a supporter of these efforts to preserve nature. ~DE

Also the mysterious Graham dolls are back! So you can buy them again ^.^

This is all for today! Happy Jammin. If you have noticed the new poll get votin!

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